Whether you're in the process of acquiring a Single-Family Residence or a Multi-Family Apartment building, each property possesses its distinctive characteristics in terms of size, design, age, and architectural style. Our experienced inspectors are equipped to perform a comprehensive evaluation of the condition and functionality of the building's major systems, ensuring that you receive a tailored and thorough assessment that considers the unique attributes of the property you're considering.
Each Inspection and Report Includes:
You can be assured that we follow the Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics set forth by the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors, also known as InterNACHI. You can read the Standards of Practice here.
Condominium inspections are a bit different from single-family detached inspections in that there is usually a homeowners association (HOA) that is in charge of maintenance and repairs to exterior and shared common areas throughout the property. These items differ between properties and associations. The responsibility of the HOA and homeowner are usually delineated in the Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) document. Each HOA is different, so we recommend that you consult with your Realtor and the association to review the CC&Rs
Here's a Partial List of Items Not Included:
As part of your home inspection, we do everything possible to give you the most thorough and complete inspection and report. However, the inspection does have some limitations. The list below is a partial list, of the most common items that we encounter. We encourage you to read your full inspection agreement and standards of practice before your inspection.
Partial List of Items Not Included:
You can see a copy of the Inspection Agreement Sample and NACHI Standards of Practice here